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Coronavirus update

Hi everyone.  Please see below some updates and clarifications on some of the help that is out there for you and your businesses during the coronavirus situation.  Check back regularly to the HMRC website for updates on everything coronavirus…

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We are now a Silver Partner with Xero!

We make no secret that we love Xero here at Flamingo Accounting! And now we are happy to be able to announce that we have been made a Silver Partner with them. Our team of Certified Xero Advisers have been using and…

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Ten Top Tips for working from home during the coronavirus

As as result of the Coronavirus, many of us will be working from home having never done so before.  It’s tempting to sit back and treat it as a leisurely day or have a Netflix binge, but that…

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Xero adds credit limits to customers – but there is a catch

After many requests from users, Xero has recently added credit limits to customer accounts – but there is a catch… Whilst you can add the limit to the customer account in Xero, and check what is left of…

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What interest can you charge on late payments?

What interest can you charge on late payments? From time a customer may pay you late, and you may be ok with that.  But when the problem becomes persistent, it can effect your own cash flow and the…

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HMRC raises £16 for every £1 it spends investigating small businesses and individuals

According to a new study by Pinsent Masons, HMRC raised £16 for every £1 it spent on staff on tax investigations looking at small businesses and individuals. The figures show that HMRC were able to collect £4.9bn in…

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Connect your Metro Bank account to Xero

Metro Bank has made it even easier for you to connect your bank accounts to your Xero account for automatic feeds. The video from Metro Bank at the bottom takes you through how to connect to Xero step by…

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Parents who lose a child will receive two weeks’ paid bereavement leave

From April, parents who lose a child will be entitled to two weeks’ paid bereavement leave under new government rules. The UK is the only country at this time to have bereavement leave enshrined in law, and it…

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What’s the difference between accounting profit and taxable profit?

Many people don’t realise that there is a difference between accounting profit and taxable profit – and that they are very rarely exactly the same figure. Lots of business owners arrive at their accounting profit – thinking it’s…

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National living and minimum wages to rise in April

Both the National Living wage and National Minimum wage are set to rise from April. The National Living wage and National Minimum wage is set to rise by 6.2%, four times the rate of inflation, in what the…

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