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Autumn Statement 2023

Today the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, presented his Autumn statement. Below we break down the keep points and how they will affect you and your business. National Insurance and wages Economy and growth Business tax and…

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What is a P11D and do I need to complete one?

What is a P11D? The P11D form is a statutory form required to be filed with HMRC by those businesses that provide benefits to their employees that do not go through the PAYE system. You will also need…

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What is quiet quitting and why is it bad for your business?

You may have increasingly heard the term in the last few month, but what is ‘quiet quitting’? It is essentially a continuation of the ‘working to rule’ principle, where employees do exactly what they are employed to do…

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Cheap and free staff benefits you can offer

With the job market tighter than it’s been in years, we often hear from businesses that they can’t attract or retain the top talent they want because they can’t afford to pay the big salaries or benefits.  The…

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IR35: Are you employed or self-employed?

Are you employed or self-employed? And why does it even matter? Why should I be concerned about IR35? You should be concerned about IR35 because if HMRC take a different view to you on whether you are employed…

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Don’t be caught out by payments on account for personal tax – know what you need to pay!

What are payments on account?  And who has to make them? So many business owners get caught out by payments on account, particularly in their first year of trading. When you become self employed, most of, if not…

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What is a P11D and do I need to complete one?

What is a P11D? The P11D form is a statutory form required to be filed with HMRC by those businesses that provide benefits to their employees that do not go through the PAYE system. You will also need…

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What business mileage can I claim?

We often get asked the question what business mileage our clients can claim back, and what tax they will have to pay on it if they do. Below we break down the differences between business mileage and private…

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Who should be in your work place pension?

Since they were introduced in 2012 more than 88% of those eligible – 19.4 million people – have been automatically enrolled into workplace pensions. Every business that employs staff who meet the criteria should be automatically enrolling workers…

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What is inflation?

What is inflation?  How does it work?  Is it good or bad for business? Inflation has reached record highs recently and has been often mentioned in the news.  We are often asked about exactly what it is and…

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