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What are the different VAT rates and what do they mean?

We are often asked ‘what all the different VAT rates are and what they mean?’ Zero-rated is the same as Exempt, right?  Wrong.  Read our guide below to make sure you understand the difference between all the rates…

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What business mileage can I claim?

We often get asked the question what business mileage our clients can claim back, and what tax they will have to pay on it if they do. Below we break down the differences between business mileage and private…

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The tax gap increases by £3.8 billion for 21/22

HMRC has estimated that the tax gap across all taxes has increased to £35.6bn. The tax gap is the is the difference between the amount of tax paid to HMRC and the total amount of tax that should…

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Top Ten Tips for staying cool at work

The sun is shining (sometimes), the beer gardens are full and public transport is even more unbearable than usual. British summertime is finally here! Here are our top ten tips on how to stay cool in the work…

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