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Tax evasion or tax avoidance?

What’s the difference between tax evasion and tax avoidance? Celebrities and sports stars alike have been in the news in recent years, hitting the headlines for their tax avoidance. But they haven’t actually done anything illegal.  We will…

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Is there VAT on public transport?

We are often asked by clients what VAT is applied to public transport, and what they can claim back on their VAT returns as input VAT. The short answer is, usually nothing. Trains and buses Trains and public…

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Can you borrow money from your limited company?

The simple answer is yes you can borrow money from your limited company, but there are tax consequences so it’s important you understand what you are doing. From time to time directors of a company may wish to…

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What’s the difference between a realised and an unrealised gain or loss?

Many businesses deal in more than one currency these days, both buying and selling, and this results in realised or unrealised gains or losses in their accounts.  But what is the difference between realised and unrealised, and how…

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Claiming expenses – the ‘wholly and exclusively’ concept

We are often asked by our clients what expenses are allowable and which are not for tax purposes.  Unfortunately, there is no comprehensive or definitive list of what is or what isn’t claimable as each business is different,…

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How to stay on top of your emails

Ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of emails your receive into your inbox?  You spend all day replying to them but at the end of the day you still have more than when you started? That needs to…

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How to improve your business cash flow

When inflation rises and businesses are faced with increasing costs, cash flow can become a problem.  There is more going out than coming in – but that cannot carry on forever.  Most businesses that go bust do so…

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Do I have to pay tax on my crypto gains?

Cryptocurrency, particularly Bitcoin, have risen in prominence over the last few years – with companies like Telsa accepting them as payment and countries like China banning them outright.  Their value has risen, fallen and risen again, but investors…

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Do you need to charge VAT on recharged expenses?

Clients often ask us if they need to charge VAT on the expenses that they recharge onto their own customers. The simple answer is yes, you charge VAT if you benefit from the expense, and no, you don’t charge if…

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Information to keep for your personal tax return

The 2023/24 tax year ended on 5th April 2024, for which many of us will need to produce and file a personal tax return .  To make things easier, here is our list of the information you need…

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