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What is a P11D and do I need to complete one?

What is a P11D? The P11D form is a statutory form required to be filed with HMRC by those businesses that provide benefits to their employees that do not go through the PAYE system. You will also need…

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People will be on the move in 2023 as the job market gets even tighter

New research finds that 1 out of every 8 workers is currently looking for a new job, and that nearly a third plan to change their job at some point during 2023. Totaljobs questioned 2,500 workers in a…

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Cheap and free staff benefits you can offer

With the job market tighter than it’s been in years, we often hear from businesses that they can’t attract or retain the top talent they want because they can’t afford to pay the big salaries or benefits.  The…

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Business gifts for Christmas

Thinking of giving a business gift for Christmas? Make sure you know the tax implications before it ends up costing you more than you thought. Christmas is not that far away and you might be considering giving a…

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Is the Christmas party tax allowable?

It may only be October, but many of us will have already booked our work Christmas parties and functions to celebrate. But what are the costs to your business of the Christmas party and what is tax allowable…

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What is a P11D and do I need to complete one?

What is a P11D? The P11D form is a statutory form required to be filed with HMRC by those businesses that provide benefits to their employees that do not go through the PAYE system. You will also need…

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What business mileage can I claim?

We often get asked the question what business mileage our clients can claim back, and what tax they will have to pay on it if they do. Below we break down the differences between business mileage and private…

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What are trivial benefits? Tax free benefits you can give your team

We are often asked what benefits a company owner can award themselves and staff, and what the tax implications of those benefits are. Most benefits will be taxable, and have to be included on a P11D form, with…

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What is a P11D and do I need to complete one?

What is a P11D? The P11D form is a statutory form required to be filed with HMRC by businesses that detail benefits paid to their employees and the cash equivalents of those benefits. You will also need to…

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National living and minimum wages to rise in April

Both the National Living wage and National Minimum wage are set to rise from April. The National Living wage and National Minimum wage is set to rise by 6.2%, four times the rate of inflation, in what the…

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