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Pension contributions change from April 2019

Auto enrolment pension contribution rates will rise from April 2019. Currently, the minimum pension contributions to an auto enrolment pension scheme is 5% of qualifying earnings, with at least 2% of that coming from the employer. From 6th…

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Why you shouldn’t wait until the last minute to file your personal tax returns

Self-assessment personal tax returns for the 17/18 tax year are due for filing, along with any payment due, by 31st January 2019 at the latest.  But why would anyone leave it that late to file it? You can file…

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Ageing SME directors are driving down the value of their business – and it’s costing their retirement!

A new study by Moore Stephens has shown that ageing directors of SMEs are failing to make adequate exit plans from their business, and thus driving down its worth and what they make from it when they retire.…

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Auto-enrolment pensions spot checks are on the increase

The Pensions Regulator is increasing the amount of auto-enrolment spot checks it carries out, looking across Essex, Kent, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire. Over the last 12 months it has concentrated its efforts in the larger cities of London,…

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