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Is the Christmas party tax allowable?

It’s just under six weeks until Christmas Day and many of us will have already booked our work Christmas party to celebrate. But what are the costs to your business of the Christmas party and what is tax…

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What’s the difference between a realised gain and an unrealised gain?

Many businesses deal in more than one currency these days, both buying and selling, and this results in realised or unrealised gains or losses in their accounts.  But what is the difference between realised and unrealised, and how…

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Who should be in your work place pension?

Since they were introduced in 2012 more than 8 million people have been automatically enrolled into workplace pensions. Every business that employs staff who meet the criteria should be automatically enrolling workers into a pension scheme, deducting contributions…

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Why you shouldn’t leave your personal tax return to the last minute

Self-assessment personal tax returns for the 2018/19 tax year are due for filing, along with any payment owing, by 31st January 2020 at the latest.  But why would anyone leave it that late to file it? You can file…

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Top ten bookkeeping mistakes and how to avoid them

Here are our Top 10 Bookkeeping mistakes and how to avoid them Letting it all build up This seems obvious, but some people still leave everything to the last minute and let the bookkeeping build up.  We know you…

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How to stay on top of your emails

Ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of emails your receive in your inbox?  You spend all day replying to them but at the end of the day you still have more than when you started? That needs to…

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The Bank of Mum and Dad is starting to close its doors

The Bank of Mum and Dad – parents lending their children money – continues to be one of the UK’s biggest defacto money lenders, but it looks as though that is starting to change. In a recent survey…

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What business mileage can I claim?

We often get asked the question what business mileage our clients can claim back, and what tax they will have to pay on it if they do. Below we break down the differences between business mileage and private…

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What’s the difference between cash and profit? Not knowing can cost you dearly

The vast majority of businesses, particularly those in their early stages, go bankrupt through lack of cash, not from lack of profits. However, many business owners don’t truly understand the difference between having cash and having profit and…

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VAT change for builders delayed until 2020

The VAT change for builders – known as the Domestic reverse VAT charge – has been delayed. It was due to come into force on 1st October 2019, but the Domestic reverse VAT charge has now been delayed…

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